What to Expect At Your First Eye Test


If you have been referred to an optometrist for an eye test, you may be wondering what to expect. There is no need to feel anxious before an eye test. It is a painless and straightforward process which is designed to ensure your eyes receive the treatment they require. Below is a guide to what normally takes place during an eye test.

The Medical History Interview

Before your optometrist begins a full examination of your eyes, they will first ask you questions about your eye health and other aspects of your medical history. If you have reported a problem with your vision, they will ask about the what symptoms you are experiencing and how long you have been aware of the issue. This will allow your optometrist to build a detailed picture of your eye health before they physically examine your eyes.

The Examination

Once your optometrist has finished taking your medical history, they will carry out an examination of your eyes. They will usually begin by shining a light into your eyes so they can examine the internal structure. They will also make a note of how your pupil reacts to light. They will then ask you to perform some tests, such as reading from a letter chart in which the letters are printed in a progressively smaller font. They will also measure and assess your vision at different distances. This will allow your optometrist to establish if you are long or short sighted. Finally, your optometrist will check the co-ordination and movement of your eyes. If you eyes are un-coordinated, this could be placing additional strain on your eye muscles, leading to headaches and blurred vision.

Further Treatment or Referrals

Once your optometrist has completed the examination, they will have a detailed knowledge of your eyes and any conditions which may be affecting them. They will then recommend treatments such as being fitted with glasses or contact lenses or in some cases corrective surgery. Depending on the nature of the problem they may refer you to an eye hospital for further assessment and treatment. Your optometrist should advise you when you will next need your eyes testing.

If you have any other questions or concerns about your vision or the eye test itself, contact an eye doctor today and book an appointment. They will be happy to answer any questions you have before carrying out an assessment of your vision.


21 September 2016

Successful, Fear-Free Eye Exams for Kids

Eye exams aren't always easy for kids. Some kids have social anxiety or fear of doctors. Others may have issues such as extreme dyslexia holding them back from even being able to read the letters on the chart, and you my be worried about what to tell the optometrist. If you are worried bout having a successful eye exam, you are not alone. I have felt the same way in the past. However, after four kids – three of whom own glasses – I have learned how to negotiate the world of optometry with kids. If you have kids, check out these tips. They will get you and your kid through your next appointment.