
How an Optometrist Can Help You Find the Perfect Reading Glasses


Many people have experienced the frustration of trying to read small print without the proper reading glasses. Whether it’s an ingredient list on a package or a book that you’re eager to dive into, squinting your way through it can be painful. This is where an optometrist comes in. They have the expertise to guide you in selecting the perfect reading glasses that are tailored to your individual needs. Read on to explore how an optometrist can help you find the perfect reading glasses.

29 September 2023

Why Choose Multifocal Lenses for Your Cataract Surgery?


Most young people's eyes have lenses that are completely clear, but that doesn't always last forever. As your body ages, the lens inside your eye can develop cloudy patches known as cataracts. These tend to become worse over time, creating vision that is increasingly blurry or misty. If left untreated, cataracts can lead to blindness. However, cataract surgery can correct this issue by replacing the natural lens with a synthetic one.

21 November 2022

Five Steps To Prepare For Your Eye Exam


Problematic eyesight and eye-related disorders affect over 13 million Australians. The best way to treat eye issues is early detection which means attending an annual eye exam. Whether you are a first-time attendee or a seasoned veteran, you can take steps before the eye exam that help the optometrist make an accurate evaluation of your eye health. These are the five steps you must take. Sleep Well The night before an eye exam, a good night's sleep is critical.

3 February 2022

Debunking 4 Common Misconceptions Regarding Orthokeratology


If you're not into wearing glasses all the time, then contact lenses are a great alternative. They're much more comfortable than glasses, and they don't cause red eyes or dryness. But before you make your purchase, it's important to understand what orthokeratology is and why misconceptions are surrounding this contact lens option. This article will help dispel 4 common misconceptions about ortho contacts. 1. Ortho contacts distort your vision. This is the most common misconception about ortho contacts.

28 April 2021

Why Should You Wear Contact Lenses if You Have Keratoconus?


If you have keratoconus, then you may have already seen an ophthalmologist. Your vision may have got obviously blurry and you may have other symptoms such as double vision and increased sensitivity to light. If you haven't had to wear glasses or contact lenses in the past, then you may be surprised when your ophthalmologist tells you that you should start wearing lenses now. How will this affect your condition and is it the only treatment you'll need?

31 August 2020

Common Health Issues Eye Experts Can Detect During an Examination


Are you scheduled to visit your optometrist soon? Getting your eyes examined regularly is one of the best things you can do to identify any eye problems. Unfortunately, most people overlook the significance of this practice since they think that their vision hasn't changed because they can still see clearly. Well, eye exams offer more benefits other than detecting eyesight problems. The examination can tell you more about your general health as well.

12 February 2020

Understanding Retinal Vascular Occlusion


The retina is located at the back of the eye and is responsible for receiving light from the front of your eye and converting this light into neural signals, which are processed by your brain into the images you see. In order to function efficiently, your retina requires healthy blood flow, as blood delivers vital nutrients and oxygen. When one or more blood vessels in your retina become blocked, a build-up of blood can inhibit the functioning of the retina and cause loss of vision.

19 July 2017

Understanding CMV Retinitis


CMV (cytomegalovirus) retinitis is a viral infection that affects the retina at the back of your eye. The retina's job is to receive images and transfer them to your brain for processing, so any infection in this area of your eye can damage your sight. CMV retinitis typically affects those with a weakened immune system, and the virus that causes the condition is related to the herpes virus. Those at an increased risk of developing this illness include organ transplant patients, those with HIV or aids, anyone undergoing chemotherapy and those taking medication to suppress the immune system.

21 April 2017

What to Expect At Your First Eye Test


If you have been referred to an optometrist for an eye test, you may be wondering what to expect. There is no need to feel anxious before an eye test. It is a painless and straightforward process which is designed to ensure your eyes receive the treatment they require. Below is a guide to what normally takes place during an eye test. The Medical History Interview Before your optometrist begins a full examination of your eyes, they will first ask you questions about your eye health and other aspects of your medical history.

21 September 2016

Poor Night Vision - Could Glaucoma Be To Blame?


To drive safely after dark, you need good night vision.  If you've noticed that your night vision isn't quite as good as it once was, you could be suffering from glaucoma.  But what is glaucoma and how can your optometrist help to resolve the problem?  Read on to find out more. What is glaucoma? Glaucoma commonly affects both eyes, although the condition may not develop in each eye equally at the same rate.

19 February 2016