Why Choose Multifocal Lenses for Your Cataract Surgery?


Most young people's eyes have lenses that are completely clear, but that doesn't always last forever. As your body ages, the lens inside your eye can develop cloudy patches known as cataracts. These tend to become worse over time, creating vision that is increasingly blurry or misty. If left untreated, cataracts can lead to blindness. However, cataract surgery can correct this issue by replacing the natural lens with a synthetic one.

21 November 2022

Five Steps To Prepare For Your Eye Exam


Problematic eyesight and eye-related disorders affect over 13 million Australians. The best way to treat eye issues is early detection which means attending an annual eye exam. Whether you are a first-time attendee or a seasoned veteran, you can take steps before the eye exam that help the optometrist make an accurate evaluation of your eye health. These are the five steps you must take. Sleep Well The night before an eye exam, a good night's sleep is critical.

3 February 2022